965 51 70 58 - Plaza Iglesia, 1- 03810 Benilloba ayuntamiento@benilloba.es



Presentation of the book “The Last Wolf of Serrella”

Next Saturday 4th at 19:30. will take place at the House of Culture, the book of Jorge Raul "The last wolf Serrella" Sinopsis Over 300 years ago in our mountains have lived one of the most beautiful animals and feared of all time, the wolf. Human beings are the acacia...

Choir of the University of Alicante offers a concert in Benilloba

Friday 24 March at 20:30 in the Auditorium of Benilloba, the Choir of the University of Alicante offers a concert with free admission to the capacity of the local.  Choir of the University of Alicante. The Choir of the University of Alicante is a band that combines...

Benilloba initiates proceedings to protect the Salt Mill

The full City Council approves request the declaration of Relevance to Local Government. It is the first formal performance hall to prevent the complete degradation of the structure. The full City Council has approved Benilloba requested the declaration of the...


Direcció:  Carrer Sant Joan, 4, 03810 Benilloba, AlicanteTelèfon: +34 966 504 109 Web: https://www.casataino.com/ Romantic and cozy rural house where we offer the comforts of a small charming Rural Hotel for your romantic dinner breaks in the interior of the Valencian...

Casa Rural Albereda

Address:  Calle Almassera, 3, 03810 Benilloba, AlicantePhone Number: 966504070 692259524 Email: info@casaruralalbereda.com Página web: http://www.casaruralalbereda.com/ Tranquility, comfort, familiar treatment, unique natural environment and strategic location as a...

Ca Rosella Casa Rural

Address:  Carrer Sant Caietà, 5, 03810 Benilloba, AlicantePhone Number: 659 94 74 77 Email: info@carosella.es Web: http://www.carosella.es Home to rest, disconnect and perfect to spend a few days. For groups, families and friends, with spacious rooms and very...

Hiking: El salt de Benilloba

Route of about 6.5km, starting from Benilloba, arrives along the Dels Molins Trail, to the site of Molí del Salt (Fábrica de la Llum), where there is a small waterfall that forms in the river Frainos that is known as The salt of Benilloba.

Molí del Salt

It is located in the denominated heading, heading of Molí del Salt. It is reached by passing through a fountain (Font de la Teulería) and what remains of the aqueduct of the same name, by a mill (Molí de los Penyes del Salt built in 1852 by Francisco Ximeno Blanes)...

Barranc de Cuixot

Between the municipal boundaries of Benilloba and Penáguila, near the flour mill Molí de Raimundo located in Penáguila, there is an aqueduct (La Canal) that consists of two arches. Its particularity is the difference in size of its bows, one small and the other of...

Parish Church

Building of architectural interest restored in 1993 and 1995 by students of History of art of the University of Valencia. Neoclassical church, its plant is of Latin cross with nave of three sections and lateral chapels with the typical corridor on the cornices of the...


Ingredients: A small onion. 1/3 kilo (depends on the appetites of the diners) of soaked white bean. 1/2 kilo of pork ribs. 2 or 3 thick turnips. Meat pudding. A good bunch of thistles (the frozen ones from supermarkets like Mercadona are great and come clean...


Ingredients: Dried peppers of the season. Cod (a loin). Good olive oil.Preparation: The peppers are fried in abundant oil. It is important to crush them with the skimmer when throwing them into the pan, so it is advisable not to fry more than two at a time. Let them...

Hiking: Benilloba/Penáguila

Route: Benilloba/Penáguila (masos de la Casablanca, Villanova i Paella) Route of about 6km, which allows us to visit various "masses" of the population and enjoy the views of the Ribera del Fráinos and see the magnificent views of Altan, Serrella, Mariola ......


Ruta Benilloba: llavador, camí de la Creu, camí de la Parada dels Porcs i final camí de Dubots Route of about 3 km, which runs through the front of the municipality that assures us the best views of Benilloba, passing through the laundry, the river, going up to "the...

Festivals of Moors and Christians in honor of Sant Xotxim

From the 14th to the 18th of AugustIt's the biggest parties. The ecclesiastical acts that we dedicate to our Patron, conjugate with the own ones of the parties of Moors and Christians, represented in Benilloba by the three Ranks: "Moros del Castillo", "Filà Cristianos...

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